Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let's Talkonaut

Finally! Finally an app that runs well and has a readable interface design and does not make ugly noises every now n then which I think fring does a lot nowadays on my mobile.

Thanks to Abby for a wonderful post on Talkonaut, something I have been looking for myself. Last week I spent hours trying out new apps for twitter and gtalk. Following are the ones I tried.

- ceTwit

- Tiny Twitter

- PockeTwit

- Fring

All of them got on to my nerves except PockeTwit. That's what I am using now since the interface is easy to use on a touch screen when I quickly want to tweet something with my fat fingers as I wait for the traffic light to turn green.

That said.

Now if you are a mac user who uses a WinMo, you are as fucked up as me. I'm pretty much never able to do quick voice chats with anyone unless they use adium, iChat etc etc. And as anti tech-savvy my friends are.. I've given up spending hours trying to make them install some or the other plugin so we can catch up online. Web based gtalk is something I end up using most of the time but I still wanted things to be more flexible. Talkonaut seems to fill the gap now...

I recommend you Abby's post on Talkonaut. Give it a shot and see how you find it.

And post your feedback to let others know as well.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Round or Surround?

How important is it to wear glasses which reflect your personality? or create a personality which reflects your glasses. Few of the most prominent men in the world are known for their round glasses and hence those round glasses have an identity of it's own.

That's right! It's the glasses who benefited the most by these men and not the men who benefited by these glasses. They definitely gave them an image but mostly just created a different kinda personality for the glasses.

A lot of different shapes say a lot about their personality. If you are a spec person, you know that's your window to the world and for the world that's the Museum Glass to your eye. People do not just wear them to protect eyes, they wear them to enhance or add an extra star to their image. I hate to use the word "Jewelry" for specs since it makes it sound so glamorous and shiny.

Every shape has it's own name, given by people who wore them and changed the world. Do you think the glasses helped much in changing the world in that context? I don't think so, but they definitely gave them a unique feature for people to notice and create a strong image in the head.

Every country, Every war has their own hero. If I were to ask you to see the picture below and tell me which one is Hitler and which one is Charlie Chaplin, how tough would it be? I'm sure not at all. Anyone can spot the difference with that hat and hair involved.

Do you have more people in mind? who carry a strong image because of that one particular feature? Let's share.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hellowww 2009, how do u do?

me: Hello 2009.
'09: Hi Kanika
me: Hope we are adventurous this year.
'09: Depends on you fool. I am just a four digit number and right now you shrunk me down to two! GEE.
me: Yes, I am Gen Y-er. We are supposed to shrink things down to make them accessible in the best, easiest and most functional form.
'09: Yes, '08 and others have told me about it. How do I look to you?
me: You look quite promising. I plan to do good stuff and travel a bit more!
'09: Alright. Best of Luck to you and I will see you around.
me: Yes, more on the Calendar and my Travel Planner. Cheers!

That was my quick meet with Mr.09. Let's roll back a little bit and see what I did till yesterday (31st).

My biggest decisions taken in 2008:

1. Stop listening to people who think they have "seen" it all just 'cuz they went through shit!

2. Move back to India.

3. Fly with Singapore Airlines :D (yes it was a

4. Try Twitter.

5. Start using Google Reader.

6. Get over Digg.

7. Pause freelance work and get a job.

8. Buy a MacBook Pro (I call it the Big Mac).

9. Spend Alcohol Free New Years with the Seths!

10. Forced my folks to make a trip abroad.

11. Spend nights reading shit about Internet and stuff happening on it.

That's all I can think of right now. Those 11 things have shaped my life for the better and I hope to add some more substantial ones on 01.01.09.

See guys around and Don't forget to say hi to '09! He's nice n fresh.

(wow. That was a short blog for a change :P )

Later Gators.