Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let's Talkonaut

Finally! Finally an app that runs well and has a readable interface design and does not make ugly noises every now n then which I think fring does a lot nowadays on my mobile.

Thanks to Abby for a wonderful post on Talkonaut, something I have been looking for myself. Last week I spent hours trying out new apps for twitter and gtalk. Following are the ones I tried.

- ceTwit

- Tiny Twitter

- PockeTwit

- Fring

All of them got on to my nerves except PockeTwit. That's what I am using now since the interface is easy to use on a touch screen when I quickly want to tweet something with my fat fingers as I wait for the traffic light to turn green.

That said.

Now if you are a mac user who uses a WinMo, you are as fucked up as me. I'm pretty much never able to do quick voice chats with anyone unless they use adium, iChat etc etc. And as anti tech-savvy my friends are.. I've given up spending hours trying to make them install some or the other plugin so we can catch up online. Web based gtalk is something I end up using most of the time but I still wanted things to be more flexible. Talkonaut seems to fill the gap now...

I recommend you Abby's post on Talkonaut. Give it a shot and see how you find it.

And post your feedback to let others know as well.
